Water & Wastewater
SPI is an established expert in the design and construction management of complex municipal water and wastewater infrastructure projects. SPI has designed many of the original municipal wastewater collection and treatment facilities in East Texas. We have also successfully completed numerous groundwater production, ground and surface water treatment, storage, and distribution projects which meet our clients’ specific needs. At SPI, successful water and wastewater projects are achieved through knowledgeable staff and the use of innovative technology, cost-effective design, and the cultivation of a strong relationship with our clients. Capabilities Include:
- Surface Water Treatment Facility Rehabilitation/Design
- Groundwater Development and Production
- Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation
- Water Storage Facilities Design
- NACE Qualified Tank Inspection
- High Service Pump Stations
- Water Distribution Systems
- Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Solids Management Facilities
- Wastewater Discharge Permitting
- Lift Stations and Force Mains
- Wastewater Collection Systems
- Operation and Maintenance Programs