Federally Funded Infrastructure Projects

Walker County SUD: Various Projects

Walker County SUD: Various Projects


Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. was first retained by the Walker County Rural Water Supply Corporation (WCRWSC) to perform a study on the Crabbs Prairie Service Area in response to distribution system pressure issues...

City of Huntsville: Safe Routes to Schools

This project was initiated with a federal Safe Routes To School (SRTS) grant for the construction of over 31,000 LF (approx. 6 miles) of sidewalk along eleven separate roadways, varying in operation designation, located throughout the city...

City of Huntsville: Safe Routes to Schools
LNVA / Bolivar SUD: Water Treatment Plant
LNVA / Bolivar SUD: Water Treatment Plant

LNVA / Bolivar SUD: Water Treatment Plant


SPI was retained to design and oversee construction of a 5 MGD surface water treatment plant and the corresponding distribution system improvements necessary to achieve regulatory compliance...

City of Cushing: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades


SPI assisted in the procurement of multiple funding sources from CDBG and TWDB for the City of Cushing for design and construction...

City of Cushing: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
City of Cushing: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

SPI is a full-service engineering firm.

For more information about the engineering services we provide, please feel free to call the location closest to you or use the contact form on our site. We'll be glad to help answer any questions you have or discuss the specific needs of your infrastructure project. Thank you for visiting our site, and we look forward to hearing from you.