Federally Funded Infrastructure Projects
Walker County SUD: Various Projects
Walker County SUD: Various Projects
Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. was first retained by the Walker County Rural Water Supply Corporation (WCRWSC) to perform a study on the Crabbs Prairie Service Area in response to distribution system pressure issues...
City of Huntsville: Safe Routes to Schools
This project was initiated with a federal Safe Routes To School (SRTS) grant for the construction of over 31,000 LF (approx. 6 miles) of sidewalk along eleven separate roadways, varying in operation designation, located throughout the city...
City of Huntsville: Safe Routes to Schools
LNVA / Bolivar SUD: Water Treatment Plant
LNVA / Bolivar SUD: Water Treatment Plant
SPI was retained to design and oversee construction of a 5 MGD surface water treatment plant and the corresponding distribution system improvements necessary to achieve regulatory compliance...
City of Cushing: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
SPI assisted in the procurement of multiple funding sources from CDBG and TWDB for the City of Cushing for design and construction...